Your Toughest Competitor

There is a great scene in the movie “Ben Hur” where the character Quintis Arrius addresses his galley slaves with the line,”We keep you alive to row this ship – Row well and live.”  That is what I call a motivational speaker.  It simply would not have had the same impact if he had said,”Row well or we’ll talk again.”

In business, how often do we leave things on autopilot?  Let me guess – too often.  In marketing (in every aspect of business for that matter) everything should be pulling its weight.  It something is not, why are we permitting it to drain valuable resources?  If you aren’t pulling an oar – you are dragging one.

Because of the nature of our business, we do a lot in the trade show universe.  It cannot understand people who say – we are going to the show because we’d be noticeably absent if we didn’t go.  To which I say – AT LEAST YOU”D GET NOTICED.  Complacency is the mortal enemy of excellence.

Our world is reinventing itself on a daily basis.  Question everything – Challange everything.  Become your own toughest competitor (before some one else does)

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